Zebra Tutorials
Using GeoMorph and SpectroMorph in Zebra
Using GeoMorph and SpectroMorph in Zebra brings some great new possibilities to our sonic pallet, so let’s learn how it works!
Zebra has some really great options that you don’t find in any synthesizer, one example of this is the wave editing mode.
In the wave editor you can draw your own waves and design totally unique sounds.
Last week we learned how to download new waveforms for Zebra and use them to get a different starting point for our sound design.
This week we are going to make the waves ourselves!
There are four different modes of editing in Zebra, this week we are only going to focus on the first two.
These first two edit modes look exactly the same, but they work very differently!
Try right clicking inside the Wave Edit Window to get some useful options like straightening out the waveform or erasing everything.
In GeoMorph you really draw the wave the way you want it to look, for example, if I want a saw wave I just draw a saw, or if I want a square wave I draw a square.
This mode is the most straightforward to use, what you see is what you get.
You can really go crazy here and make up some awesome waveforms that look nothing like a saw or a square, you have 32 breakpoints to mess with so a lot of flexibility!
SpectroMorph, as the name implies, works with the “Spectrum” of a sound, in other words, you draw the harmonics.
If you draw a straight line all the way at the top of the window you get a really bright wave with all harmonics in there. (Like a saw!)
When you just draw something on the left side of the window you get more of a “dull” sound with less brightness.
This mode is a little bit more difficult to explain, but if you work with it for a few minutes you will quickly get a feel for how it works!
Try to rebuild a square wave for example, do you know which harmonics you should use? Every wave has its own ingredients so this is a very good way to find out how it works!
Experiment with both modes and see which one you like most, next week we are going to look into the GeoBlend and SpectroBlend options.
Have Fun!