Delay, Reaktor Tutorials
Build an Echo Delay Effect in Reaktor
This tutorial demonstrates how you can create a seriously powerful NI Reaktor Echo Delay Effect!
In this original video tutorial, Salamanderanagram fulfills the request of a community member who wanted to know how to recreate the Echo Delay Effect available in the FL Studio DAW. Instead of recreating the exact effect, Salamanderanagram created a similar device that became a beast of its own! This is one of the videos that came from our collection of past member videos. If you would like to receive other great tutorials like these, please sign up o receive our free member-only tutorials.
This Echo Delay Effect gives the user complete control over pitch, number of taps, delay amount, panning, and character. It can even run in ping pong mode! This is a powerful and flexible delay that would be a gem in any audio effect arsenal.
This tutorial is not for the faint of heart. Depending on your experience level, you can expect this Echo Delay Effect to take anywhere from 15-30 minutes to build. If you find that you are having difficulty with this Reaktor effect, or if you just need help, feel free to ask or comment in the forums and we’ll try to assist you as best as we can.