The Role of Touch and Motion in Sound Design
There are still musicians for whom the Apple iPad is an uninteresting object regarding sound, for others, on the contrary, it is a valuable tool …
iPad users are well aware, iOS has changed dramatically and today the most creative applications for sequencing, control and handling of software via the Touch technology can be found on the App Store.
The iPad can, in seconds, move from being a master keyboard to a mixer, from MIDI controller to OSC controller, …
It can also be a great audio recorder provided that it is equipped with a micro worthy of the name.
It’s a bit like having an assistant always ready to work.
The synthesis and sampling have also evolved.
The fact that one can manipulate a waveform with the fingers helps tremendously carving ideas much more difficult when you are limited to the keyboard and the mouse.
Add a few accessories that respond to movement and you are ready to completely renew your stage performance…
A great and complete article on the site Designing Sound to learn more about the roles of touch and motion in modern musical composition: