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Got the feels? Give the feels - Heartbeat - Vocal Acapellas offers the lyrics and the musical...
Heartbeat - Vocal Acapellas
Heartbeat - Vocal Acapellas
Heartbeat - Vocal Acapellas

Heartbeat - Vocal Acapellas

Got the feels? Give the feels – Heartbeat – Vocal Acapellas offers the lyrics and the musical inspiration to help you share your feelings with the world. Whether it’s falling in love or falling out of it – it’s just how your heart beats.

Featuring two original 32-bar female vocals and two original 32-bar male vocals; professionally recorded and organised with verse, bridge, chorus, chorus harmonies, verse 2 and creative ad-libs. Heartbeat – Vocal Acapellas delivers an almost complete radio song, all that’s missing is for you to add those elements that can’t be expressed in words – your magnetism and connection.

Explore your feelings with 4 full vocals plus MIDI for accompanying melodic ideas. We set the vocals to a Pop and R&B theme but made them as flexible as possible so that you could be led by your heart’s inspiration through pop, r&b, hip hop, house, electronica and more. The vocals have been written and recorded to explore four different “feelings”/themes with each idea delivered as a full wet vocal and individual dry vocal sections plus MIDI and a lyric sheet.

Pack Contents:

4 x 32-bar vocals each dedicated to a unique love story including verse, bridge, chorus, chorus harmonies, verse 2 and creative ad-libs

  • Away From Love
    • 4 MIDI
    • 9 Dry Vocal Phrases
    • 1 Wet Vocal Phrase (Full)
    • Lyrics
  • Begging You
    • 4 MIDI
    • 7 Dry Vocal Phrases
    • 1 Wet Vocal Phrase (Full)
    • Lyrics
  • Pretending
    • 4 MIDI
    • 6 Dry Vocal Phrases
    • 1 Wet Vocal Phrase (Full)
    • Lyrics
  • Ride or Die
    • 3 MIDI
    • 6 Dry Vocal Phrases
    • 1 Wet Vocal Phrase (Full)
    • Lyrics
  • Key-Labelled
  • 100% Royalty-free for use in your musical productions
  • PLEASE NOTE: Demo’s provided for illustrative purposes only and are not provided as royalty-free

Total Number Of Files:

  • 56
  • 441 Unzipped

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