HY-SEQ32 is a Kaleidoscopic Midi Sequencer. HY-SEQ32 comes with 4 types (Pitch, Param, CC and Oct/Tp) of sequencer modules and CC rack
modulates. Utilize the random function, or edit Chords with the unique Chord FX module.
This is a 32 step sequencer for generating Midi note messages. You can use up to 4 Pitch SEQ units at the same time.
Each unit can run independently, so it is possible to set run speed, directions, step size and etc, individually.
You can make 8 parameter setting snapshots. Featuring a randomize function!
Param SEQ
This is a sequencer for controlling Pitch SEQ parameters. You can assign different target parameter per step
This is a sequencer for generating Midi control change messages.
CC Rack
This is a unit which contains 8 CC knobs. Each knob can control individual CC target.
This sequencer controls the master octave/transpose values
Each SEQ/Rack unit has 8 exclusive modulation units.
Each modulation unit contains 3 types of modulation signal generator(LFO, Sample&Hold and Probability LFO). You can use one of these types at the same time per a modulatio
More Effects:
SEQ ReStart/ReSync
Chord FX
Scale FX
MIDI Recorder
Snapshot Chainer
The chord effect is a Midi effect that converting incoming note into a chord.
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