Deep Stems 2
Cycles & Spots once more presents 5 different Deep House construction kits than usual with this follow-up of the Deep Stems series. These kits have more tracks, namely 16 and consist of Wav loops only. These are mostly grooving, pumping drums and the icing of the cake with melodic synth lines and chords in 8 bars.
No effects other than equalizing and filtering have been rendered, so no reverbs or delays. The demo is therefore mostly left dry except to round up some transitions. So you can spice up the kits with effects to your liking.
As always this pack is royalty-free free and the contents can be published as it is right away, in edited or non-edited versions.
Pack Contents:
- 5 Construction Kits Feat:
- 16 Tracks Each
- 80 Wav Loops
Total Number Of Files:
- 80
- 275 MB