Massive Tutorials
Crafting a Beautiful NI Massive Pluck
Plucks are an essential sound to a lot of musical styles. In this tutorial, we take a look at creating a NI Massive Pluck that not only sounds great, but can be made in less than two minutes!
In this tutorial we’ll learn how to make a quick and beautiful pluck sound that uses only one oscillator in NI Massive! This Pluck is a wonderful sound that leaves room for a lot of advancement. Not only that, but it is super quick. The NI Massive Pluck can be crafted in less that 2 minutes!
If you are intrigued…
Start the NI Massive Pluck by inserting a Smooth Square wavetable into OSC1. Leave all of the Oscillator’s parameters set to max, and make sure that it is being routed through Filter 1. Meanwhile in Filter 1, you will want to assign a Daft Filter. Set the Cutoff of the Daft filter to max, and turn the Resonance completely down.
Change the envelope shape of Envelope 4 by lowering the Attack, the Decay, and the Decay’s Level. The Decay parameter should be set to about 30%, while the Attack and the Decay Level should be turned down fully. While in this panel, you may want to increase the number of Voices and the Pan Position. In the video he uses 11 Voices and turn the Pan Position up full.
That is pretty much the main development of the NI Massive Pluck. However, you may wish to insert effects to bring out more depth. A Reverb and Dimension Expander should help make this sound shine, but it is definitely recommended to try out others as well. Let us know what you think of this tutorial, and feel free to post any of your own modifications in the comments section or in the community forum. Until next time, happy sound designs!