SMASHmouse Lets You Control Your DAW With Your Foot
SMASHmouse, a new project that recently debuted on Kickstarter, is a universal foot pedal that allows you a hands-free means of operating your computer mouse and controls.
SMASHmouse provides the three following types of controls:
1. Mouse, Joysticks
- X and Y control
- Z Axis allows for SMASH in center (e.g. Right Click for mouse, Mute command for PC Gamer)
2. One ‘Kick’ Keyboard Shortcut Custom Bind
- Activate software commands with one ‘kick’ in a specific direction (e.g. Up, or Left)
- Up to 10x 1-‘kick’ command functions can be programed: Up, Down, Left, Right, both diagonals, smash center, and double smash center
- Sequential layering with Right Button (11-20, 21-30, etc.)
3. Expression and Range Control
- Multi-dimensional: Up/Down, Left/Right and even both diagonals can be assigned to allow for 4 separate Dimensions (e.g. Multiple effects can be expression control for MIDI)
- Omni-directional: The HOLY GRAIL! Now musicians can have DJ Pad like control. Custom MIDI commands can be assigned, like Reverb on X-axis and Flange on Y-axis, and use our platform to synthesize while still playing your guitar. The dream is real!
The SHASHMouse foot pedal has already raised a quarter of its $43,200 pledge goal and you can visit its Kickstarter page to learn more.
Next: The Neova Is A MIDI Controller Ring That Uses Your Hand Gestures