Minecraft: Creating A Song With Gameplay Sounds & Effects
In this video from Youtuber meisterjaan, we witness the incredibly clever and creative achievement that is creating music in Minecraft. Will the ubiquitous video game ever not be a hit?
From information provided in the video’s description:
Using note blocks, redstone, repeaters and sounds of montsers in Minecraft in combination with hardware effects to make something similar to music. The gameplay and effects are recorded in one take as a stereo recording. Not quite my new favorite DAW yet but quite fun 🙂
So obviously, there are external tools being used in order to turn Minecraft into a smash hit music-making machine. However, that doesn’t detract from the pure awesomeness (is that a word?) of even thinking of trying this, and the musical results are satisfying to say the least!
Learn how to design a classic 80’s style video game synth in NI FM8: