Air Piano, trigger invisible keys and faders in midair.
This is not a new controller, but definitely a rare instrument that is truly unique.
There are instruments that are not revolutionary but are simply brilliant, engaging and sometimes that happens, just beautiful to look at.
Air Piano could meet these criteria except that it is rather revolutionary due to its use.
The airpiano is an innovative MIDI and OSC controller. It allows the user to trigger invisible keys and faders in midair.
Touch-Free Interface
The airpiano was the first musical interface to introduce an intuitive and simple touch-free interaction. Most touch-free interfaces require users to stare at a display, while the user’s hand gestures in 3D space control elements on the screen. However, musicians and performers need to be able to play their instruments in a more free and intuitive way. The airpiano’s keys and faders are therefore not on the screen, but above the airpiano surface. The performer knows the exact position of each controller in the air, so no display is needed, and the interaction becomes much more natural.
Discrete and Continuous Control
The airpiano is often compared with the Theremin. The Theremin is a wonderful instrument which is quite difficult to play. One reason for this is that it provides only continuous control. The airpiano has a matrix of 24 discrete keys and 8 faders, which makes it much more simple to use. Actually, the airpiano software makes the device so versatile that there is no real reason for a comparison. These are completely different instruments. Check out the airpiano features.
User Experience
Some people ask: why not just use a box with lots of buttons and shiny LEDs? what can i do with an airpiano that i can’t do with other controllers? Well, we love all kinds of musical interfaces, and there are many wonderful and innovative alternative controllers out there. However, we strongly believe that the airpiano introduces a new user experience, a magical and cool performance tool and an experimental instrument to explore. The airpiano software allows setting the device in numerous ways and since there are no “rules” of how to play an airpiano, new creative ideas and playing techniques will come to life!
For now, the Air Piano is no longer sold. But internet was sometimes the source of surprises, reproductions following the request of users, sometimes even new projects … You can write them by email.
And let’s face it, the key market moves a lot lately. Innovations such as SEARISE Roli or Native Instruments Kontrol, the new Akai and Yamaha announce a revival in the world of keyboard.
Maybe Air Piano might be a serious challenger even five years after its conception.
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