FM8 Tutorials
The FM8 meets the Lemur
For all of you out there who are into controlling synths through other devices, such as multi-touch tablets, iPhones, iPads, etc. This video features a device called the Lemur controlling FM8.
A fantastic pairing, the Lemur and FM8! With some pretty intuitive controls, Lemur opens up a ton of possibilities for FM8 in both the studio and in live performance situations. YouTube user brainstormoperations has taken the time to put together a nice little walkthrough of FM8 through the interface of this awesome gadget.
Going through many of the effects and operations of FM8, he slowly makes his way through the basic elements of the synth as well as the way the different kinds of modulation actually work. From shelving EQ and stereo spread to morphing and step arpeggiation, just about every major component is covered.
Most mobile devices of this kind require quite a bit of configuration time, but Lemur is very quick to map and assign controls with a built-in FM8 template! It also offers a very nice feel in regards to the reaction time of each piece of the interface, with no real latency to speak of. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Lemur, it is a fantastic piece of hardware capable to completely changing the way to interact with your music software. You should really check it out if this is all new to you!