FM8 Tutorials
Complex Arp Sequences Using The Morph Matrix - Learn the Secrets of the FM8 Arpeggiator Part 4
In the last part of this month’s in depth series on the FM8 Arpeggiator learn how put together a complex arp sequence and assign it to the morph matrix.
Over the last three tutorials (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) in this series we have learned how to get the most out of the FM8 arpeggiator as well as learning what every last button, knob and slider does in the arp window. To finish up the series, Johnny puts everything together to create a fairly complex sequence that uses the morph matrix to spice things up a bit.
First, Johnny creates a thick sound that he uses for the arp sequence. After he has the basics dialed in, he creates a pretty complex 32 step arp sequence that uses various octaves.
One of the more interesting features in FM8 is the morph matrix because it is capable of quickly changing your sound and it is automatable. After Johnny creates his sequence in the FM8 arpeggiator window, he activates the morph matrix and keys in some changes to the sounds for a few quadrants in the matrix. He leaves the top left portion of the morph matrix the sound he creates throughout the tutorial and then has the top right quadrant effect the cutoff of an envelope so the sound turns into a more plucky sound and then for the bottom part of the morph matrix, he creates a more detuned sound. Johnny then automates his arp pattern playing in his DAW using the morph matrix to add more depth to the sound and make it evolve.
That finishes up this month’s series on the FM8 Arpeggiator, I hope you guys enjoyed it!