FM8 Tutorials
How To Use the FM8 Morph Square
The FM8 Morph Square – Perhaps one of the most unique features of FM8 is the ability to morph between up to 4 completely different sounds in real-time to create some of the most unexpected and original sounds possible with frequency modulation synthesis.
This is a short intro video showing the very basics of the FM8 Morph square and how the morph tool in FM8 works and how to get started using it.
So whether you choose to combine just a couple very similar sounds for gentle modulation and to provide the feel of a slowly developing evolution of sound, mix a few subtle ambient elements to support a lead instrument, or maybe go all-out and go with four very different and even clashing sounds for a more avant-garde or experimental experience, the sky is the limit with the awesome FM8 Morph square!
You may want to play around with designing sounds that you really like on their own, save them and then begin experimenting with morphing them with each other on the FM8 Morph square or other patches within FM8 to provide an extensive spectrum of sounds to use in your project.
It makes things more interesting and will usually mean the difference between your audience hearing your music as a passive listener versus engaging as an active listener.
The guys over at WinkSound do a lot of little video tutorials on just about all aspects of audio production and cover a wide range of products, as well.
If you are interested in checking out more of their stuff you can visit their YouTube channel WinkSound.
Are you interested in learning more about a specific feature within FM8 such as the FM8 Morph? Leave us a comment below and tell us what it is!