Absynth Tutorials
Gaining a Basic Understanding of Absynths Wave Window
In this tutorial on how to save Absynth Wave Window Oscillator waveform patches, I show you the basics of how to draw a waveform but more importantly the correct way to save them for further use in your patches.
Hi All and welcome to this first video about Absynth from me in 2014 regarding the Absynths Wave Window.
This is pretty much an additional video to my colleagues video regarding the Absynths Wave Window, However it concentrates more on how to save the waves and/or edit the waves.
Basically I show you quickly how to draw a wave and see the content and frequency content changing in both the waveform and spectrum window.
I concentrate on the saving process as it was really annoying me and took me longer than i would have expected to find it, funny enough its not the only thing in Absynth that can seem counter intuitive until you figure it out.
I also show you how to manipulate large parts of the waveforms without effecting other parts of the waveform. I also give you a quick explanation of the offset and dB parameters.
All in all this Absynths Wave Window video is very simple but discusses some of the most frustrating things that can cause complete creativity collapse (at least for me) and hopefully makes it nice and clear where they are and how to use them properly.
If you would like a deeper understanding of Absynths Wave Window, especially for drawing waves then please check out my colleague Jorgalad`s post.
See you in the next tutorial.